Finding Nemo

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Looking very very scary here

Well, I am looking at my options, I think getting on a bullet train and heading to Osaka to fly out might be better than Narita (Tokyo).  If the nuke plant blows up I have a feeling Narita will be a nuthouse and in the path of the radiation.  The latest reports today show that a complete melt-down appear imminent!!!!

The US Embassy is advising anyone within 50 miles of Fukushima to evacuate.  Here in Tokyo we are 120 miles to the south.

I guess the one bit of good news is that the cold front which froze my butt off when I got here is actually generating strong offshore winds up at Fukushimi.  Winds are forecast to blow offshore through Saturday.  So there is that I guess.  About half the Japanese here in Tokyo are wearing masks, as if that will somehow prevent them from getting sick with radiation poisoning.  But, what else can they do?  US Navy personnel stationed a bit south of Tokyo in Yokohama are taking Iodine tablets.  Iodine-131, being generated in Fukushima, is easily absorbed by the human body and stored in the Thyroid gland.  By taking Iodine tablets, the idea is that the good iodine prevents the radioactive iodine from being absorbed.  Of course, too much iodine causes health problems.

Aside from the occasional train line or late metro service, there really doesn't seem to be much impact here from the rolling blackouts.  All the shops are open, subway is running pretty good.  Everyone is going about their business.

I suppose I will try to do a bit of sightseeing here in Tokyo, because.... well... I'm here.  But I have my flight out of Osaka ready to go.  Blow wind blow.


  1. If you get stuck in Tokyo, let me know... I have a very good Japanese friend there who could give you advice.

  2. Hey Dawn, does your friend have any advice on a good irish pub for St Pattys?
    Send him my email, its always good to have a local to ask questions.
